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Andy Scheer

Andy Scheer

Andy has a wealth of experience as a publishing professional with over 18 years as the managing editor of Moody Magazine, 8 years as the managing editor for the Christian Writer's Guild, and as a free-lance writer and editor. He is a frequent instructor at writing conferences around the country. A journalism graduate from Colorado State University, he also attended Denver Seminary. Andy is a consummate professional and is a great addition to the Hartline team.

5074 Plumstead Dr
Colorado Springs CO 80920

I'm looking for a select few, outstanding projects that grab me and won't let me go until I place them with a publisher.

For fiction, this means a memorable blend of characters, setting, and storyline—delivered with carefully crafted prose. For nonfiction, a unique way of addressing a real need with an authority readers will recognize.

And for both, the individual's desire to grow in the craft of writing and to undertake the required discipline to promote their work for others' benefit.


Sandy Sheppard

Wayne Valero

Andy joined the Hartline team in 2011 and is actively soliciting clients at this time.

Andy Scheer
Copyright 2002-... Hartline Literary Agency - 123 Queenston Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15235 - 412.829.2483